
Hi. I'm a cheerleader. I've been training in this SPORT my whole life. No i can't bench 200 pounds but i can lift a girl over my head and hold her there. No i don't run across the field at 5 mph, but i do tumble across the mat at about 12 mph. No i don't get sacked by a linebacker running full speed at me, but i do get punched, kicked and beaten down into the ground by my flyer. No i don't throw a 2 pound ball into the air, i throw a 100 pound girl. No, i don't have an hour long game to prove how good i am, i have 2 1/2 minutes. When you miss a catch all you lose is the ball. When i miss a catch, i lose everything. When i get hurt, i don't get to be taken out, i keep going. Why? Because i'm a cheerleader. It's what i do. Does this still sound EASY to you?

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